Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Working With Me

As soon as possible! I am only taking on 5 clients for the Summer cohort. 

I am so happy you are taking the first step to improving your child’s investment knowledge and future in wealth building! Book your first, no-obligation meeting via the link:

No problem – I frequently use Zoom or Google Meet to chat with students.

No worries – I totally get it. For your first no-obligation meeting, I will happily come to you if you are located in the Palm Beach area, otherwise we can meet virtually via Zoom or Google Meet.

With me, you and your young adult will undergo a 5-step process: 1. Audit 2. Objectives 3. Accounts 4. Trading 5. Upkeep. Each step is explained further in our first no-obligation meeting. Book here:

I am teaching what I wish I knew at this age. I have seen the impact my investment and financial knowledge has had on my family, and the relief it has brought my parents with wealth transfer. I have personally invested ~$15,000 in my own personal development and wealth building knowledge. I believe it is imperative to get started investing at a young age and to build the necessary financial skills to save ourselves from a lifetime of struggle with financial literacy. The sooner one starts, the better.

General Investing

On average, the market has an ~8-9% annualized return. If your child starts investing at 18 years old, and sells their investments at 65, with an initial investment of $1,000 they will have made over $35,000. Read more here: Motley Fool 

Referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” compound interest is earning interest on the money you have saved as well as the interest already earned. Over time, this amount compounds to provide exponential growth in your portfolio. Calculate it yourself and learn more on how compound interest works: Compound Interest Calculator

The Truth: With a proven strategy it’s always a good time to invest, and the sooner you get started, the better. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

No – I cannot guarantee market returns and I cannot control the markets. Here is a resource on average returns of the markets based on a typical investment plan: Forbes

Yes! I have two portfolios that I manage myself and I love it. It’s an absolute joy to set these portfolios for a long-term investment horizon and a lifetime of investment management.

Other FAQs

Not necessarily! If you would like to sit in on some meetings, you are more than welcome, however it is also great to have your young adult understand concepts on their own and share their new knowledge with you.

No problem. You are able to enroll at any time and your 3-month plan of 12 one-on-one sessions begins on your start date. Note: I will only be taking on 5 clients in May so you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to work with me.

We begin by asking you and your young adult questions about your objectives and what you ultimately aim to achieve, and discuss some plans we can put in place for the 3 months. Reference the “Working With Me” FAQ section for more.

Even better! It would be an honor to serve your family and you are giving the young adults in your life a beautiful gift of a lifetime of financial literacy. Feel free to book a first no-obligation meeting or reach out to me directly.

Absolutely! If you refer a friend who becomes a client, you will receive a free portfolio check-in 6 months from the investment date, $250 value! If your young adult has already met with me for their portfolio check-up, then you will receive one session free ($250 value)!

In my own experience, learning to invest has given me the confidence to make decisions about my life that I otherwise would not have had the freedom to make. The freedom to live where I want, spend time with people I want, and work on projects that fuel me. Knowing I am set up with a long-term portfolio that will fund my life later on is a true blessing.

Of course. As Jim Rohn famously said, “Leaders are Readers.” Here are my top 3 investing books to get you started: 

    1. The First Time Investors Playbook by Joe John Duran
    2. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
    3. The Money Code by Joe John Duran

Please visit the “Bookshelf” (provide Link) tab for more. Spoiler: Your child will be provided with three investment readings when we begin working together

Follow my LinkedIn – I am most active here and post my investing insights or about books I am reading. Also, check out my YouTube channel for a video of me moving to Paris, and visit my Instagram for behind the scenes content on my fun, international life.